Accommodation Gibb River Road Parry Creek Farm Tourist Resort East Kimberley
When planning your holiday on the Gibb River Road include a stay at Parry Creek Farm a wonderful way to start or finish your self drive holiday, plan for at least 3 or 4 days in the area to be able to take in all the sights, Wyndham Town has a long history the Wyndham…
Read MoreThe Boab climb of the Green Tree Snake – Dendrelaphis punctulatus
Accommodation Parry Creek Farm Wyndham East Kimberley
Enjoy a peaceful stay at Parry Creek Farm away from the rush and bustle of town life, listen to the evening birdsong. Early morning wake up with the birds. Parry Creek Farm is the closest accommodation to the northern end of the Gibb River Road, and we are popular with bird watchers and photographers, relax…
Read MoreKimberley Accommodation East Kimberley’s Parry Creek Farm Tourist Resort and Caravan Park
Enjoy a peaceful stay at our remote resort, enjoy the sound of bird song, no generators, no helicopters.The Wyndham area has a lot to offer, we recommend at least a 3-4 day stay to fit in all the sites and relax, this is a great place to start or finish your trip up the Gibb…
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Parry Creek farm has 36 powered sites with serviced ablutions and 40 unpowered sites, Dine in our Restarant, swim in our pool, enjoy a relaxing stay, no helicopters flying in and out of our place just the pleasure of bird song.
Read MoreAccommodation Kimberley Region
Parry Creek Farm is the closest accommodation to the northern end of the Gibb River Road, aprox 100 km from Kununurra and 20km from Wyndham, enjoy the peace and quiet of the bush in our tree top cabins or rooms, these all overlook the lagoon, relax around our pool, dine in our restaurant you will…
Read MoreParry Creek Farm Wyndham East Kimberley Gibb River Road
Parry Creek Farm situated in the Parry Lagoons Nature Reserve which are Ramsar Wetlands of international importance. We have 36 powered sites (Caravan Park) 40 unpowered sites (camping) tree top cabins and rooms all overlooking the Lagoon (Accommodation). Things to do and see, Bird watching with over 200 species including the Gouldian Finch, we are…
Read MoreParry Creek Farm Tourist Resort and Caravan Park Wyndham East Kimberley
Bird watching is amazing this year with our resident bird man John passing on all the good bird viewing sites we have a lot of happy tourists and twitchers, surrounding scenery is truly wonderful this year with the flood plain still green and water lying out over the parry lagoons nature reserve, Old Halls Creek…
Read MoreParry Creek Farm Tourist Resort and Caravan Park East Kimberley Wyndham WA
Catering for all you holiday requirements, Accommodation, Café, Bird watching, Photography, Boab Forests, water holes, Bastion or 5 rivers lookout, closest accommodation to the northern end of the Gibb River Road, Swimming pool, Relaxation and peace and quiet, enjoy the crystal clear sky’s sit out under the stars and listen to the bird songs, Gouldian…
Read MoreEast Kimberley Accommodation and Caravan Park Parry Creek Farm
Situated 100 km from Kununurra and 20km from Wyndham in the East Kimberley Parry Creek Farm Tourist Resort and Caravan Park is the ideal place to spend a few days bird watching, relaxing, photographing the amazing scenery including the Boab Forests in the area, situated in the Parry Lagoons Nature Reserve which is Ramsar Wetlands…
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